Mental Health & Criminal Justice

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Allegheny County Mental Health Court 412-350-4393 Designed to promote community-based mental health treatment in lieu of incarceration for persons with mental illness who have been charged with a misdemeanor and/or non-violent felony in Allegheny County.

CROMISA (Community Re-Integration of Offenders with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse) 412-350-3444 A voluntary program and therapeutic community that supports men with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder who are on probation or parole.                                                               

Allegheny County Forensic Support (Max Out) Program 412-350-3490 Provides case management for persons with mental illness referred from the Department of Corrections at the expiration of a maximum prison sentence. The OBH State Forensic Support Case Manager continues to assist the individual for up to 90 days after release from the State Correctional Institution.                              

Forensic Diversion Services 412-350-2442 or 412-350-3373  An array of supports to assist persons with mental illness and/or co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder who encounter the criminal justice system. Services provide during and following court proceedings and during and following incarceration